Avoid Being Arrested This Football Season

A Football Fan’s Guide to Having a Fun, Crime-Free Experience

Football season is a time for excitement and camaraderie, but it can also be a time for irresponsible behavior and crime. Unfortunately, many fans become so caught up in the excitement of the game that they engage in activities that can lead to serious legal consequences.

Common crimes associated with football season include:

  • Public intoxication. In Texas, public intoxication occurs when an individual appears in a public place while intoxicated to the degree that they may endanger themselves or others. This doesn't necessarily mean being unconscious or extremely drunk. Even if someone can walk and talk, they can still be considered publicly intoxicated if their behavior poses a potential risk.
  • Property damage. This offense involves intentionally or knowingly damaging, destroying, or tampering with someone else's property without their consent. Examples include graffiti, breaking windows, keying cars, or any act that defaces or impairs the use of another's property.
  • Criminal trespassing. A person can face this charge if they enter or remain on someone’s property without consent.
  • Terroristic threatening. This crime involves threatening to commit any offense involving violence with the intent to cause fear, evacuations, or serious public inconvenience. It can include bomb threats, threats of mass shootings, or other serious violent acts.
  • Harassment. This offense covers a range of persistent, unwanted behaviors intended to annoy, torment, or cause alarm to another person. This can include repeated phone calls, obscene proposals, threats, or other actions that would cause a reasonable person to feel harassed, annoyed, alarmed, abused, tormented, or embarrassed.
  • Assault and battery. Assault encompasses both threats of bodily injury and actual physical contact. It can be committed by intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to another, threatening imminent bodily injury, or causing physical contact that the offender knows or should reasonably believe the victim will find provocative or offensive. Simple assault (threats or causing bodily injury) is usually a Class A misdemeanor but can be elevated to a felony depending on the victim's identity or the severity of the injury.
  • Homicide. Texas law recognizes several degrees of homicide, covered in Chapter 19 of the Penal Code. These include murder (Section 19.02), capital murder (Section 19.03), manslaughter (Section 19.04), and criminally negligent homicide (Section 19.05).These crimes involve intentionally or knowingly causing the death of an individual or recklessly causing someone’s death.

These crimes can have a devastating impact on individuals, families, and communities. To help prevent these crimes and ensure a safe and enjoyable football season, this blog will offer tips on how to avoid these common pitfalls.

Tips on Avoiding Football Season Arrests

Review the following advice that can help you avoid being charged with some of the crimes often associated with football season activities:

  • Be mindful of how much you drink. Alcohol consumption is a common factor in many fan-related incidents. Pace yourself and stay hydrated to avoid excessive intoxication.
  • Know your limits. If you feel yourself becoming overly intoxicated, it's best to step away from the situation and find a safe place to rest.
  • Avoid drinking and driving. Never operate a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. Designate a driver or use public transportation.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings. Be aware of your actions and the potential consequences of your behavior.
  • Report damage. If you witness property damage, report it to the appropriate authorities and avoid being near or engaging with those who litter or vandalize property.
  • Use your words wisely. Choose your words carefully and avoid making statements that could be interpreted as threatening.
  • Diffuse tensions. If a situation escalates, try to de-escalate it by staying calm and avoiding provocation.
  • Avoid violence. Violence should never be an option. If you feel threatened, seek help from security or law enforcement.

Experienced Criminal Defense Counsel

If you are arrested during the football season, The Clark Law Firm is backed by over 35 years of experience. Our firm can help you defend against criminal allegations resulting from sports-related events. Whether you have been accused of hitting a fan of an opposing team, have had online messages to other fans misinterpreted as harassment, or are accused of destruction of property, our team can offer personalized counsel.

Trust us with your case. Call (817) 435-4970 to request a free consultation.


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